Surah Kahf in Hindi pdf – Arabic to Hindi Translation with Audio, Images


We Introduced Surah Kahf in Hindi. It is the 18th surah in the Quran. It was revealed before the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) migrated to Madina.

The reason for the revelation of this Surah is that the Quraysh leaders asked Prophet Muhammad three questions regarding the Jews. If he answered these questions, then the idolaters would know that Prophet Muhammad is the true messenger of Allah.

The purpose of bringing Surah Kahf in Hindi is that India has the second highest Muslim population. After Indonesia. And maximum Muslims in India know Hindi language. Urdu is used as their third language, which means we can say that Hindi is the official in India. The language is Hindi. It is from this face that we have presented Surah Kahf in Hindi.

Surah kahf in English Transliteration

The purpose of bringing audio of Surah Kahf in Hindi is that listening to Arabic Tilawat is its own reward but knowing its meaning is the duty of every believer. What does Allah want to tell us from his holy words.

Read Audio of Surah Kahf in Arabic

There are many benefits to reading Surah Kahf . India has 11.1% Muslim population of the world which is mostly Hindi literate, so we would like them to understand Surah Kahf in their native language and achieve good results and blessings.

Surah Kahf in Hindi pdf - Arabic to Hindi Translation with Audio, Images
  • Protection from Dajjal (Click)
  • Forgiveness of sins
  • Increase faith
  • Protection of evil

Visit the First ten verses benefits of Surah al KAhf

By reading Surah Kahf in the reader will understand Saurah very closely and will go to the exact point.

We have to remember any word if we read it with meaning. It is the Prophet’s hadith that whoever remember will stay safe from the trail of Dajjal.

Benefits of Surah kahf First ten verses for Friday

Saurah Kahf got its name from the Seven Companions who took up residence in the cave to escape from disbelief. The 04 stories described in Surah Kahf hold great importance in our lives and teach us a lot.

  • Allah is capable of everything. Life and death are in the hands of Allah only. Due to which Allah made those cave people sleep in the cave for 300 years.
  • Allah does not like pride and disobedience at all and we can be humiliated.
  • Only Allah has control over everything in this world. Only Allah knows how, when and why he will do it. Therefore, a believer should be patient.
  • If Allah blesses you with strength then you should help people without any personal gain.
  • You can read Surah Kahf whenever you want without internet access.
  • By downloading the PDF, you can send it to a needy person and get reward.
  • You can easily view by zooming in or zooming out as per your convenience.

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